The Zakai's Assist Giving Fund


The Zakai's Assist Giving Fund is dedicated to making a significant impact in our community by supporting those in need. Zakai will recommend grants, out of this fund, directly to 501C3 organizations. With your generosity, we can continue to expand our reach and help more people live better lives.

Why Donate Why Donate

Why Donate to The Zakai's Assist Giving Fund?

When you contribute to The Zakai's Assist Giving Fund, your donation will be deposited into a designated fund at the National Christian Foundation. Click the link below, to be taken directly to the Zakai's Assist Giving Fund.


Join Us in Making a Difference

Your support is vital to the success of The Zakai's Assist Giving Fund. Together, we can create a brighter future for our community. To donate, simply click the button below and follow the easy steps to contribute. Your generosity will help us continue to provide critical assistance and support to those who need it most.

Thank you for considering a donation to The Zakai's Assist Giving Fund. Your kindness and support make all the difference. Together, we can bring hope and change to countless lives.


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